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See you for Belgian Air Force Days in 2026 !

Aircraft on the Ground - Static Display

On 8, 9, 10 September you can discover different types of aircraft and helicopters in our static, not only in the air, but also on the ground. Discover with us these (historical) aircraft and the ultramodern helicopters that we and our NATO partners use!
Belgian Air Force
General Atomics AeroTec Systems
Danish Air Force
Armée de l'Air et de l'Espace
Historical Aircraft
Enter the cockpit!
Belgian Air Force
Royal Belgian Air Cadets
Royal Netherlands Air Force
Royal Netherlands Air Force
Belgian Air Force
German Army
German Air Force
German Air Force
Royal Netherlands Air Force
Spanish Air Force
Belgian Air Force
Austrian Air Force
Civil Belgium
German Air Force
Polish Air Force
French Air Force
Belgian Air Force
Portuguese Air Force
Belgian Air Force
Royal Netherlands Air Force Historic Flight
Slovak Air Force
French Air Force
Royal AIr Force (UK)
German Air Force

Photos: Peter Steehouwer, Paul Johnson (Flightline UK); Henk Tito, Andrew Timmerman, Robin Mues, Belgian Air Force PR

Are you ready for take off?

We present a total experience

A mix of modern technology interspersed with fun!!!

Jobs @ Defence

Defense is recruiting - with hundreds of vacancies every year, Defense is one of the largest employers in the country! Check it out through this website
or via telephone number 0800 33348


For general information about the Belgian Air Force, consult the contactpage or contact us via email: 
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2026 Airshow

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Hosted by Combell